Active Prospects welcomes you to Re.Work.It Boutique.

We are a fashion boutique on Reigate High Street with a difference. We offer pre-loved high-end fashion at a fraction of the price and our helpful, experienced team will be on hand to help you find your ideal outfit.

Here’s where we make the difference… did you know that only 9% of people with learning disabilities and autism in Surrey are in employment? Well, that is where we come in. Re.Work.It provides opportunities for people to access paid work or volunteering, in a supportive environment.

Re.Work.It is a social enterprise run by Active Prospects, a local charity which enables people with learning disabilities and autism, physical and mental health needs to live full and aspiring lives.

Click to find out more about Active Prospects

Meet Chris

I’m Chris and I’m part of the team at Re.Work.It. My role at the boutique is Sales Supervisor and I am proud of what I do.

I have Asperger’s Syndrome and Dyslexia, but I have not let that get in the way of finding employment. At times I find it slightly harder to socialise and that can make it a bit more difficult for me in the boutique, but the team are so supportive and there are processes in place which means step by step I can learn to build my confidence.

I have been given a lot of tasks to suit what I am best at, so I will work on uploading items through the till and manage the data on the I-pad, which I really enjoy doing. There are some areas I need to improve on a bit more, but that is where the team are so behind me. I am going on a training course to help develop my sales technique skills, which should help me on the boutique floor with customers. I really enjoy working at Re.Work.It and having a job helps me get an income, as I have my own flat, but also makes me feel more settled. The team are great too!


We are always on the look out for enthusiastic volunteers who are willing to help out at Re.Work.It.

This might be a regular daily or weekly slot, or just a few hours here and there – either way, please get in touch and we’ll discuss how we can make it work.


Make another contribution

If you would like to support Active Prospects in another way, there are plenty of options.




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